Tattoo Aftercare

“My tattoos are a source of strength–they crystallize what’s important to me in life. I’m a big believer in the power of symbols and how they can hold meaning and memories.” Elani Stefanou

The hard part is done. But continuing your dedication to your tattoo(s) throughout the healing process is what can separate a well-done tattoo from a beautiful, lasting tattoo. Any time you open the skin, you leave yourself vulnerable to scarring and infection. Tattoos are in fact open wounds, and we should treat them as so, along with a few added tricks to preserve the quality of ink and retain the ink. Caring for your tattoo can prevent those complications and ensure that the tattoo heals properly. Both you and your tattoo artist play equal roles in this process. Along with going to a professional and reputable tattoo artist, you need to take care of your new tattoo at home. Figuring out how to care for your tattoo can be tricky, but we are here to help. If in doubt, it is always best to call us at the number on this pamphlet. There are no dumb questions, and we love to clarify and help.

Day 1

Aftercare starts as soon as your session is completed. The artist should apply a bandage to cover the area and help with healing. This covering prevents bacteria from getting into your skin and protects the tattoo from rubbing onto your clothes and getting irritated. This bandage can also eliminate scabbing if everything is done correctly, and the bandage stays on for the proper amount of time. Keep the dressing on for as long as your tattoo artist recommends as it helps to absorb any fluid or excess ink that leaks from the tattoo.

Day 2

After sufficient and recommended time (24 hours) has passed, you can remove the 1st bandage under warm running water to help break adhesive and avoid damaging the delicate skin that has already started to form. There’s a reason to use lukewarm water when washing. If the water is too hot, you may cause further irritation, while ice-cold water may cause the skin to retract and slow the healing. Wash your hands with water and soap, then gently wash the tattoo with warm water and natural (chemical free) fragrance free soap. Do not scrub the skin or rub it dry. Remember to wash your tattoo with a light touch when first removing your wrap or bandage. Do not use a washcloth or towel to dry your tattoo, as they can harbor bacteria and hold onto chemicals from detergent. Instead, gently pat the area dry with a clean paper towel. With another paper towel, thoroughly dry the skin in the 2 inches surrounding the tattoo, making sure to remove any residual water or soap residue, and insuring a quality and flat adhesion of the second bandage. Apply the 2nd dressing on and wear it for 4-5 days. Then repeat the removal and cleaning process.

For the next few weeks

you will use your best judgment to keep it clean and moisturized. This typically looks like washing it once in the morning, once at night. Let it air dry, and lightly moisturize. Not wet with moisturizer, not too dry, but just right by repeating a light layer of moisturizer throughout the day. Keeping the area moist will protect it from cracking, drying, and bleeding. While your tattoo heals, you should wear sun-protective clothing whenever you go outside or try to stay out of the sun as much as possible. Do call your tattoo shop if you experience any out of the norm complications or other problems and they can give you advice on what steps to take next. You should avoid scratching or picking at your tattoo no matter how bad the urge may be. Avoid wearing tight and restrictive clothing over the part of the body that has been tattooed to allow it to breathe and heal faster. Don’t go swimming or immerse your fresh tattoo in any body of water, especially hot tubs (showers are fine). Do your best to avoid sweating under the bandage.

Once your tattoo has healed

you move into maintenance mode. Though you don’t have to specifically care for it after 3 to 4 months, there are things you can do to prevent ink from degrading. Wash your skin daily with a gentle and fragrance-free soap. Avoid using products with petroleum jelly or fragrance in the ingredients list. These products can damage your newly acquired ink and disrupt the natural healing process. Tattoo lotions or creams containing harsh perfumes and chemicals can also cause damage to the skin and affect the healing process. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moisturized, wear sunscreen that blocks UVA Rays, so the sun won’t fade your tattoo. Another thing is to avoid excess weight gain or loss as that could stretch out or distort the tattoo. After getting a new tattoo, the outer layer of skin will typically appear healed within 2 to 3 weeks. However, the healing process can take upward of 6 months.

Questions About Tattoo Aftercare?